Sunday 22 July 2012

We've come on holiday by mistake....

This year marks the tenth anniversary of my wife and I's road trip around the world. In fact, exactly 10 years ago today we were 4wd'ing around Fraser island in Australia; definitely one of the highlights of the whole trip.

Now things are a little different. Our road trip this year was a little trip to north Wales to visit my in laws in their rather palatial new home. More on Wales later and possibly a discussion on the meaning of "downsizing".

Thursday 19 July 2012

To cheese or not to cheese

In my role as stay at home dad on Tuesday's, Wednesday's and Thursday's I get to do lunch with boy3. Today is a red letter day as we are reintroducing cheese into his meals for the first time in a few weeks.

Previous attempts to incorporate cheese have almost invariably resulting in huge vomits but we could never be sure that it was the cheese or just coincidence. Anyway, after a couple of ella's kitchen fromage frais in the last couple of days without incident we've taken the plunge with some fish and broccoli in cheese sauce.

As I write this things are going well and we've had no reappearances yet! Here's hoping that the previous vomits have not been allergy related but just chokes, coughs and the like.

Dear customer, congratulations on the purchase of...

I love the instruction manuals that come with equipment these days. The latest greatest example at home is our new copilot limo baby seat now sitting proudly on the back of my ancient Marin pine mountain. Whilst I must admit that their proud boast that the seat can be installed in 30 seconds is strictly (if only partially) true they did gloss over the traumatic experience on the preliminary fitting of the rear rack that the seat requires. 45 sweaty, sweary and knuckle skinning minutes later I was ready to fit the seat. (which did indeed take only a few seconds).

I hasten to add that all these problems are much more likely due to deficiencies on my part that any problems with the product, which appears rather excellent on first impressions!

Saturday 14 July 2012

sometimes its like a revolving door

No sooner had I taken on a new member of staff to cover a few hours a week in the shop than she turned round and revealed that she had accepted a full time job elsewhere. I suppose I shouldn't get too upset; in the current climate everyone wants to earn the maximum amount they can, I suppose and I couldn't offer her any more hours but its quite frustrating to go through all the hassle of recruiting for them to work a grand total of 12 hours before handing in their notice

Thursday 12 July 2012

Happy doors!

We saw these old warehouse doors on an evening trip to the river cottage canteen in Plymouth. Looks they were pleased to be part of the lovely Royal William yard development. Oh and the meal was fab too!

Wednesday 11 July 2012

"summer" fair

Like I said the other day, it was the school summer fair on Saturday. A good time was had by all. Actually the weather pretty much held off but the beer rent and marquee were the most popular locations. Face painting was, as ever, popular with the kids with a camouflage theme winning favour with boys1 & 2: